July 27, 1956

July 27, 1956 Anthony Eden
I am displeased with Egypt’s decision to nationalize the Suez Canal. Nasser has intended to close all foreign trade within the canal. Nasser’s plan is a problem for England’s vital oil trade and must be stopped. Action must be taken in order to win back the canal. Since we do have the support of the United States I have agreed to join the Protocol of Sevres with France and Israel. We have formulated a military plan, Operation Kadesh. That should ensure the capture of the Suez Canal. Israel will first invade the Sinai Peninsula and take over the territory. Britain and France will then give Egypt an ultimatum to stop the fighting in exchange for control of the Canal. If Egypt refuses, we will have no choice but to commence Operation Musketeer. In this case, Britain and France will invade Egypt and forcefully take control of the canal.
Hopefully this action will cause the Egyptian people to overthrow Nasser. I have come to believe that the nationalization of the canal this was an act of Fascism and that Nasser also has secret ties with the Soviets. With Nasser as the most popular figure in the Arab world, this aggression is a potential threat to Western security and cannot be allowed to continue. If Operation Kadesh succeeds,England will regain control of the Suez Canal thus the oil trades will be completely in our control and England will remain a superpower in the Western world.