July 23, 1952

July 23, 1952 Gamal Abdel Nasser

We are on the verge of success. The events that transpired on Black Saturday in Cairo have allowed us to retake Egypt. At this very moment, General Muhammad Naguib has led the Free Officers in overthrowing the government. Key buildings that the British have used as governmental strongholds are being occupied and overseen by both General Naguib and General Anwar Sadat. I intended this revolution to be bloodless; so far Naguib has guaranteed that no one has been harmed.

More importantly, we have exiled the villain whose banishment is the center point of the revolution. Farouk, the greedy pig, sat on his mountain of riches while we lived in poverty. He took every bit of wealth we owned. He was the puppet figure of the people of Britain who truly ruled our nation. Farouk has ruined this country’s reputation throughout the world with government scandals and interference in court affairs. He also deserves the full blame for out unspeakably humiliating loss in our war between Egypt and Israel in 1948. Many of us have also have been victim of Farouk’s Kleptomania. Farouk has stolen a ceremonial sword from the Shah of Iran and a pocket watch from Mr. Winston Churchill. Farouk even stooped so low that he began pick pocketing his own citizens.

Britain no longer has any authority in Egypt at this point. All the British have ever brought us was conflict and governmental tension. They were not interested in improving our way of life but used us for cheap labor and trading their goods or repairing their military equipment. The only credit that I can give to the British is defending Egypt from Germany during the World War II, but even this protection is not enough to make up for all the fighting, and killing they have caused in Egypt. Now that the British are gone, all the meaningless fighting can stop and there can be unity in Egypt.

Our newly earned independence will allow us to reform Egypt and create a prosperous society. The poverty that has stricken us because of Farouk’s tyranny will be the first problem that I intend to fix. Wealth will be redistributed to the people, and land will be given back to peasants. We will have an anti-imperial government that will care for the well being of the citizens and resolve problems instead of creating them. The nationalization of the Suez Canal will be spearheading our economic reform which will help us accomplish these reforms. Moreover I intend to bring back this nation’s reputation and fight for nationalism for all Arabs. We are finally free and there is so much that needs to be done. I am optimistic to what the future holds for Egypt. In all my thirdly four years, I have never seen a British free Egypt. I am looking forward to seeing what this is like.