September 14, 1952

September 14, 1952 Anti Nasserist
Dear President Nasser,
You have recently executed two men that were involved in a riot in Kafr el-Dawwar. These men that you have killed were innocent people who stood up for what I thought you did. You said that Egypt was going to change for the better with Farouk gone. You point to us and paste criminal on our actions when it is you that went against the nation. Where is the reform you promised us? It has been nearly two months since the British came and nothing has changed for us. In-fact, Egypt is in a farther declining state then when “they” were here. When we first heard that you sent Ali Mahir to make a civilian government, we thought that we would have more civil rights, better incomes and sanitary conditions in the factories. We patiently waited and kept tell ourselves that it was going to happen very soon. Well, we are tired of waiting and so we had to do something about it. We have refused to work in the factories and we will continue our riots until reform happens. You see these riots as a work of defiance, but they are necessary to illustrate that we will not be fooled by false statements of reform. So you can keep telling us that reform is on its way. We will just continue to revolt until you actually deliver you end of the deal.

A former believer